Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Troops for the defence of Tipplebruder

Forces for the defence of Tipplebruder have long since marched out from Mieczyslaw, fetted by a parade for the elie Wojskowo Piechota after their great victory at Debnica.

Along with the elie Wojskowo Piechota rode the veteran Wstrasowo Dragon, commanded by Hit Man Kasper Ksawerić, to whom has been entrusted the letters of introduction for the file in order to permit their passage to the Tipplebruder lands.

Some have wanted to know of the livery of these troops, so herein is enclosed a diagram of their uniforms.


Fitz-Badger said...

Splendid-looking trrops!

MurdocK said...

Thank you, I am looking about for my photographs that I made a while back of these troops and may post them also.
